Interaction Design with VSCIA


User Research, UI Design, Interface Design

Spring 2021

Primary Tools
Figma, Miro


What is VSCIA?

The Vancouver Society for the Creation of Independent Art (VSCIA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting local artists in Greater Vancouver. It hosts various events, including MiniComi, an annual art convention that connects artists with their community.

What'd we do?

We conducted this case study for a senior UX and interaction design course at Simon Fraser University (SFU). Over 14 weeks, my team and I had the opportunity to research VSCIA using interviews, ethnography, participatory workshops, and various other resources. We aimed to identify pain points and intervene with a design solution.

My role in the team primarily consisted of co-conducting interviews and participatory workshops, and working on art/visual direction for our team’s presentations and web app.


Inital chat

From our first talk with the executive members of the organization, we understood that their goals for working with us were to 1) help artists feel supported through the preparation stages of MiniComi and feel connected to fellow artists at the convention, and 2) help VSCIA organizers foster a collaborative relationship with the MiniComi artists and support them to ensure a positive convention experience.

From there, we started our research.

Interviews and surveys

Our research focused on understanding the perspectives of VSCIA stakeholders and the broader artist community.


We conducted interviews via Zoom and Google Hangouts due to COVID-19 restrictions. We interviewed 8 participants:
  • Three VSCIA executives
  • One former VSCIA artist
  • Four unaffiliated local artsts


Surveys were also sent to participants that felt more comfortable with an offline format of communication.

Our findings

The interviews (approximately 45 minutes each) provided valuable qualitative data:

Challenges for artists

Artists feel that they knowledge about the business and financial aspects of selling their work, and struggle to meet others in the art community. This gap in knowledge leaves them discouraged and overwhelmed.

Budget constraints

VSCIA execs want to prioritize low-cost, scalable opportunities due to limited financial resources as a non-profit.

Persona and user journey map

Based on our research, we developed two personas to represent our target users. We also created a user journey map from the perspective of the primary persona to illustrate key pain points and opportunities for intervention.


Participatory workshops

To deepen our understanding, we facilitated two participatory workshops using Miro, an online collaboration tool:
  • A workshop with convention artists (both affiliated and unaffiliated with VSCIA)
  • A workshop with VSCIA executives
Using activities such as the graffiti wall, H-forms, and card sorting, we were able to reaffirm our findings and narrow our scope.


The workshops helped to confirm our earlier findings:

Adjusted focus

While our research revealed a desire among artists for networking and collaboration opportunities, this was beyond the scope of our project. Instead, we focused on addressing a more immediate and actionable need: equipping VSCIA with tools to provide business and financial guidance to help artists better prepare for the local market.

By refining the project’s scope, we were able to design a solution aligned with VSCIA’s goals and resources while directly addressing artists' most pressing challenges.

Informed problem statement

Framing a "How Might We" statement

The planning and preparation phase for MiniComi artists is challenging for newer artists due to the lack of support and resources, and time constraints. How might we make this process easier and more manageable?


MiniComi planning application

For our final design solution, our team created a web application that provides artists with a planning dashboard with upcoming deadlines, to-dos, milestones, and resources.

User flow diagram

We started our design solution by drafting a user flow diagram to help figure out the flow of our app.

Main dashboard

The homescreen of the planning dashboard.

Recommended timeline

Artists can customize a recommended timeline for logistic deadlines or start from scratch from their Planner.
Example of a recommended timeline for making sure artist's products are ready before the art market

Easy access to resources

Resources include both MiniComi-specific internal resources and external resources created by VSCIA. Organizers can also add day-of-event information for access during the event.

Customizable tasks and notifications

Artists are able to edit and enable notifications for goals and milestones for their computers and mobile devices.


Value proposition

Our app provides artists with a structured and user-friendly approach to prepare for MiniComi. By tracking their progress, milestones, and tasks across any device, artists can streamline the planning process. Additionally, the app’s Resources tab, curated by VSCIA executives, offers valuable guidance to address financial and logistical challenges throughout their journey. This solution not only simplifies preparation but also strengthens the support system between artists and VSCIA.

Closing thoughts

This project helped me understand the importance of qualitative research methods when creating informed design solutions. Interviews, surveys, and participatory workshops offered invaluable insights into the experiences and challenges of both artists and executives. These methods also allowed me to practice maintaining an unbiased perspective while engaging with real clients.

Despite the time constraints of the course, our team successfully delivered a design solution to aid artists. However, we recognize the potential for further refinement. With additional time, we would like to have iterated on our mock-ups to develop a fully functional prototype.